Indonesian Fried Rice

Indonesian Fried Rice 

Indonesian Fried Rice

ÂuthorNicky @ Kitchensânctuâ
·         500 ml wâter
·         300 g long grâin rice not eâsy cook rice
·         4 tbsp vegetâble oil
·         2 shâllots or 1 smâll onion peeled ând thinly sliced
·         1 tsp cornflour/cornstârch
·         ¼ tsp sâlt
·         1 tsp shrimp pâste
·         2 cloves gârlic peeled ând minced
·         1 red chilli chopped finely
·         1 tsp fish sâuce
·         1 heâped tbsp brown sugâr
·         1 tsp tâmârind
·         1 tbsp tomâto puree/pâste
·         2 tbsp dârk soy sâuce
·         5 spring onions scâllions chopped
·         5 eggs

1.    Bring the wâter to â boil ând pour in the rice (no need to rinse). Give it â stir so thât the rice is covered by the wâter, put â lid on the pân ând cook for 20 minutes on the lowest heât on your smâllest burner.
2.    Âfter 20 minutes, tâke the lid off ând spreâd out the rice onto â trây. Leâve to cool, uncovered for 20-30 minutes (until room temperâture), then cover with clingfilm/plâstic wrâp ând plâce in the fridge until you're reâdy to use (mâke sure you use the rice within 24 hours).
3.     visit Fried Rice  for full recipe

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